In the last month we had new papers published from all members of the group. Irian published his work on charge transfer in TMDs, Eleni her collaboration on bulk photocurrents in ReS2, and Fernando his work on shift and injection currents in twisted bilayer graphene. Congrats to all! In addition, we finally posted a new experimental collaboration on the near-commensurate CDW in TiSe2.
Author: ferdejuan
Group news as we start 2024
After a long time without updates, there have been several changes in the group during the last year. Starting with the most recent, Daniel Muñoz Segovia just graduated before the Christmas break and has started a postdoc at Columbia University in the group of Raquel Queiroz. Congratulations Dani, and all the best!
In 2023 Miguel Angel Sanchez Martinez also left us for a postdoctoral position at the University of Bristol with Felix Flicker, and Helene Muller also switched PhD to the University of Wurzburg, now advised by Viktoriia Kornich. Good luck to both too!
Finally, since May 2023 we also have a new addition to the group. Fernando Peñaranda joins us after a PhD at ICMM in Madrid, to work on twisted heterostructures and nonlinear optics. Welcome Fernando!
Helene Müller joins the group as a PhD student
We are happy to share that Helene Müller just joined the group as a PhD student. After her master’s work in the group of Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy, she joins DIPC to carry out a PhD in the area of Kondo lattices, co-advised by our colleague Miguel M. Ugeda from DIPC. Welcome Helene!
Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Martínez joins the group as a postdoc
This week we had a new addition to the group. Miguel Ángel, who recently finished his PhD at Institut Neel in Grenoble, joins the group to work on the optical properties of inversion breaking superconductors. Welcome Miguel Ángel!
Oscar Pozo defends his PhD thesis
Óscar Pozo Ocaña defended his PhD thesis “On symmetry and topological aspects of novel phases of matter” on Dec. 21st 2021. His thesis was co-advised with Maria Vozmediano from Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), and is officially the first PhD from our group. Óscar will now start a postdoc at the Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM) in San Sebastian. Congratulations Oscar and all the best in your career!
Irián Sánchez Ramírez joins the group as a PhD student
Irián just joined the group as a PhD student at DIPC. He will be co-supervised with Maia G. Vergniory, and he will start working on spin and charge transport in materials with low symmetry, combining ab-initio approaches with effective models. Welcome Irián!
Experimental collaboration on photocurrents in CoSi is published!
Working in collaboration with the Wu lab from U. Penn and several theory groups, we have shown that measurements of the circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) in CoSi, a topological semimetal, are consistent with theory and prove that the observation of the quantized CPGE measuring the topological charge of a node should be feasible with the right material tuning. Congrats to Oscar who did great work leading the effective model calculations! And as usual in close collaboration with Adolfo Gruhsin too. Check out the paper published in Nature Communications!
FPU PhD fellowship awarded to Daniel
Congratulations to Dani Muñoz Segovia on the award of an FPU PhD Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science to continue his PhD at DIPC! This was one of the 24 fellowships awarded to physics this year. Many exciting projects ahead!
New website online
A much needed update of the website is finally ready. We’ll be posting more news about the group, papers, jobs… in the future. Stay tuned!