About me

I am a theoretical condensed matter physicist interested in many aspects of topological matter and correlated systems. I enjoy working with effective models and distilling the basic physics from complicated problems, and relating predictions to experiments, mostly in spectroscopy, transport and optics.

I got my PhD in 2010 in Maria Vozmediano‘s group. I did postdocs in Indiana University (with Herb Fertig), UC Berkeley (with Dung-Hai Lee and Joel Moore), and Oxford (Marie-Curie Fellow in Steve Simon‘s group). In Sept. 2018 I moved to the Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastian with an Ikerbasque Research Fellowship, and in 2023 I became Ikerbasque Research Associate

You can find me at:

I also keep a Twitter account @FernandodeJuan where I tweet about physics and general science, scholarly publishing, and a bit of everything else. 

I am currently funded by the Spanish government through grant PID2021-128760NB-I00 (2022-2025) and by the Basque government through a collaborative IKUR Strategy grant involving DIPC, CFM and Nanogune.

Previously, I was funded by the Basque government through PIBA project 2019-81 (2019-2021) and by the Spanish government through grant PGC2018-101988-B-C21 (2019-2021) from MCI/AEI/FEDER.